Breast cancer surgery

Breast cancer is a serious condition that requires prompt and effective treatment. At Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad, breast cancer surgery is one of the mainstays of breast cancer treatment. The hospital has a dedicated team of experienced surgical oncologists who specialize in breast cancer surgery and offer the latest techniques and technology for the best possible outcomes. 

Breast cancer surgery is a major component of the treatment plan for most patients with early-stage breast cancer. Surgery aims to remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue, known as the margin, to prevent the spread of cancer cells. The type of surgery chosen depends on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the patient's overall health and other individual factors. 

There are several types of breast cancer, which can be classified based on the type of cells that are involved in the cancer and the characteristics of the cancer cells. Some common types of breast cancer include: 

  • Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): This type of breast cancer is the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer. DCIS starts in the milk ducts of the breast and has not spread outside the ducts to nearby tissue. 
  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): This is the most common type of invasive breast cancer, accounting for about 80% of all cases. IDC starts in the milk ducts of the breast and then invades nearby tissue. 
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): This type of breast cancer starts in the milk-producing glands of the breast, called the lobules. ILC is less common than IDC and accounts for about 10% of all breast cancer cases. 
  • Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: This is a less common type of breast cancer that lacks receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and HER2. Triple-negative breast cancer tends to be more aggressive and can be harder to treat. 
  • Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This is a rare but aggressive type of breast cancer that can cause the breast to become red, swollen, and warm to the touch. 
  • HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: This type of breast cancer is caused by the overexpression of a protein called HER2, which can promote the growth of cancer cells. HER2-positive breast cancer tends to be more aggressive but can be treated with targeted therapies. 

It's important to note that breast cancer can also be classified based on the stage of the disease, ranging from stage 0 (earliest stage) to stage IV (most advanced stage), and this classification is important in determining the appropriate treatment options for the patient. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer can improve the chances of successful treatment and recovery. 

Types of Breast Cancer Surgery 
There are several types of breast cancer surgery, including: 

  • Lumpectomy: A breast-conserving surgery in which only the tumor and a small margin of surrounding tissue are removed. 
  • Mastectomy: Removal of the entire breast, including the nipple and areola. 
  • Sentinel node biopsy: A procedure in which the sentinel lymph node is identified and removed to determine if cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. 
  • Axillary lymph node dissection: A surgical procedure in which several lymph nodes in the underarm are removed to determine if cancer has spread. 
  • Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy: A preventative surgery in which the healthy breast is removed to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. 

Recovery and Life After Breast Cancer Surgery 

After breast cancer surgery, patients may experience pain, discomfort, and fatigue. The recovery time will vary depending on the type of surgery performed and other individual factors. Patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for a few weeks after surgery. 

In some cases, breast reconstruction surgery may be performed to restore the shape and appearance of the breast after a mastectomy. This can be performed at the same time as the mastectomy or as a separate surgery. 

The emotional impact of breast cancer surgery can also be significant, and patients may experience anxiety, depression, or body image issues. Support groups and counseling services can be helpful in managing these emotional challenges. 

The cost of breast cancer surgery can vary depending on the type of surgery performed, the extent of the procedure, and other factors. However, Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad offers cost-effective breast cancer surgery options that are tailored to meet each patient's individual needs. The hospital also accepts various insurance plans, making it more accessible to patients.In conclusion, breast cancer surgery is an essential component of breast cancer treatment, and Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad offers comprehensive breast cancer surgery options that are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient. With a team of experienced surgical oncologists, state-of-the-art technology, and cost-effective options, Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad is a top choice for breast cancer surgery in Ahmedabad. The hospital also provides extensive support and care for patients during and after their treatment, ensuring the best possible outcomes and quality of life.