Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder replacement surgery at Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad is a surgical procedure that can help patients suffering from various shoulder joint conditions to relieve pain, improve function, and regain mobility. Here are some indications, types of surgery, recovery, and relevant keywords related to shoulder replacement:


  1. Osteoarthritis: This is a degenerative joint disease that can affect the shoulder joint, causing pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: This autoimmune disease can cause inflammation in the shoulder joint, leading to pain and disability.
  3. Rotator cuff tear arthropathy: This occurs when a rotator cuff tear is combined with arthritis, leading to severe pain and loss of shoulder function.
  4. Avascular necrosis: This condition occurs when the blood supply to the bone in the shoulder joint is compromised, leading to bone death and joint damage.
  5. Post-traumatic arthritis: This can occur after a shoulder injury, such as a fracture or dislocation, leading to arthritis and pain.

Types of surgery:

  1. Total Shoulder Replacement: In this procedure, the entire shoulder joint is replaced with a prosthetic implant. The damaged ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder is replaced with a metal ball and a plastic socket.
  2. Reverse Shoulder Replacement: This procedure is used for patients with severe shoulder joint damage, including massive rotator cuff tears. In a reverse shoulder replacement, the positions of the ball and socket are reversed, with the ball being implanted in the socket and the socket being implanted in the upper arm bone. This allows different muscles to take over the function of the damaged rotator cuff, providing improved stability and function.

Recovery: Recovery after shoulder replacement surgery may vary depending on the type of surgery and individual patient factors. However, it generally involves a period of rehabilitation and physical therapy to regain strength, flexibility, and function in the shoulder joint. Pain management and adherence to post-operative instructions from the surgeon are also important for a successful recovery. Patients may need to wear a sling for a few weeks, and gradually progress to gentle exercises and activities as guided by their surgeon and physical therapist. Full recovery and return to normal activities may take several months, but most patients experience significant improvement in pain relief and shoulder function after surgery.