
  • An RCI (Rehabilitation Council of India) registered Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist with 30 years of experience in hospital, institutional and academic settings.
  • Specialized in counseling & psychotherapy for a wide variety of mental and emotional issues, e.g., Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Anger Issues, Marital Discord, Student’s Behavioural & Academic Difficulties, Special Issues of NRIs, etc. She has successfully treated hundreds of patients with chronic and complicated mental & emotional issues.
  • Also specializes in administration and interpretation of various psychometric tests for diagnosis of  psychological problems, Learning Disabilities,  IQ Assessment,  Career Counseling & neurological Assessment,
  • She is a reputed Corporate Trainer who has been training executives, managers, and other staff on improving mental and emotional health. She conducts workshops / talks for students, teachers, and parents on various age-related topics.