ENT Emergency

One common emergency is epistaxis, which can be categorized as anterior or posterior. In cases where a posterior source of bleeding is suspected, such as when bleeding occurs from both nares or blood is seen draining into the posterior pharynx after controlling anterior sources, direct external pressure should be applied to the cartilage just below the nasal bones for 15 minutes while the patient is in the “sniffing” position. After re-examining the patient, this process can be repeated once if necessary. If bleeding persists and an anterior source of bleeding is identified, chemical cautery can be performed.

However, if no source is found, nasal packing is necessary. If packing or local cautery fails, consultation with an ENT specialist is required. In the case of posterior packing, all patients require ENT consultation due to the risk of complications, and hospital admission may be necessary. Posterior packs are typically removed 2 to 3 days after placement.  

Other common surgical emergencies in the ENT department include the removal of foreign bodies from the ear, treatment of peritonsillar abscesses, and management of nasal bone fractures with hematoma