Internal Medicine  

Sterling Hospitals Rajkot, has a team of internal medicine doctors with scientific aptitude and international clinical experience. We provide exceptional healthcare services to patients with common and complex medical conditions. The internal medicine department at Sterling Hospitals Rajkot, is able to screen all patients and provide interdisciplinary care to address a wide range of medical needs. They are dedicated to providing comprehensive medical care to patients with the highest standards of clinical excellence and compassionate care. 

Here are some of the services offered by the internal medicine department at Sterling Hospitals Rajkot ,  : 

  • Outpatient clinics for common and complex medical conditions 

  • Inpatient care 

  • Interdisciplinary rounds with other specialists 

  • Screening for all patients 

  • Comprehensive medical care 

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive medical care to our patients with the highest standards of clinical excellence and compassionate care.  

Conditions we treat include   

Infectious diseases: Our team of internal medicine doctors at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   is well-equipped to handle a wide range of infectious diseases. We use advanced diagnostic tools and the latest medical technology to accurately diagnose and treat these conditions, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and sepsis. Our aim is to provide personalized and comprehensive care to help our patients recover as quickly as possible.  

FUO (fever of unknown origin): When a patient presents with a fever of unknown origin, our team of internal medicine doctors works diligently to identify the underlying cause. We use a combination of diagnostic tools and clinical expertise to investigate all possible causes of the fever and develop a treatment plan tailored to the individual patient.  

Poisoning: At Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,  , we have the expertise and resources to provide prompt and effective treatment for poisoning. Our team of internal medicine doctors work closely with our toxicology team to diagnose and treat patients who have been exposed to toxic substances. We are equipped to handle a wide range of poisoning cases, from accidental ingestions to intentional overdoses.  

Lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, hypertension, Obesity, and Dyslipidemia: Our internal medicine department at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   provides comprehensive care for lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and dyslipidemia. We work closely with our patients to develop individualized treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals. Our aim is to help our patients manage their conditions and improve their overall health and well-being.  

  • Joint Pain evaluation: Our team of internal medicine doctors has expertise in evaluating and treating joint pain. We use a variety of diagnostic tools, including imaging studies and lab tests, to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of joint pain. From there, we develop an individualized treatment plan to help our patients manage their pain and improve their quality of life.  
  • Wellness clinics: At Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,  , we offer wellness clinics to help our patients achieve and maintain optimal health. Our team of internal medicine doctors provides a range of services, including health screenings, lifestyle counselling, and disease prevention education. Our aim is to empower our patients to take an active role in their own health and well-being.  
  • Geriatrics: Our internal medicine department has a specialized focus on geriatrics, providing comprehensive care for older adults. We are experienced in managing the unique healthcare needs of older adults, including chronic conditions, cognitive impairment, and functional decline. Our aim is to improve the quality of life for our older adult patients and help them maintain their independence for as long as possible.  
  • Adult Immunisation: Our team of internal medicine doctors at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   provides adult immunization services, including vaccinations for influenza, pneumonia, shingles, and other preventable diseases. We take a comprehensive approach to vaccination, considering each patient's unique needs and health history to develop an individualized vaccination plan.  
  • Hematology: Our internal medicine department is equipped to manage a wide range of blood disorders, including anemia and bleeding disorders. We work closely with our patients to diagnose the underlying cause of their blood disorder and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve their health and well-being.  
  • Second opinion clinics: At Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,  , we understand the importance of seeking a second opinion when it comes to your health. Our second opinion clinics provide patients with an opportunity to consult with our team of internal medicine doctors and get a fresh perspective on their healthcare needs. We work collaboratively with patients and their existing healthcare providers to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that meets their unique needs.  
  • Comprehensive diabetic care: Diabetes is a complex condition that requires comprehensive care to manage effectively. Our internal medicine department at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   provides a range of services for comprehensive diabetic care, including medication management, dietary counselling, and lifestyle education. Our aim is to help our patients manage their diabetes and improve their lives   

Clinics at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,     

  • Fever Clinic: Our Fever Clinic at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot,  is dedicated to diagnosing and treating patients with fever or flu-like symptoms. We offer specialized care for infectious diseases and work to quickly identify the underlying cause of a patient's fever. Our team of internal medicine doctors works closely with our infectious disease specialists to provide prompt and effective treatment to our patients. 

  • Geriatric Clinic: Our Geriatric Clinic at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot, provides specialized care for older adults, with a focus on managing the unique healthcare needs of this population. Our team of internal medicine doctors and geriatric specialists work together to develop personalized treatment plans that address the physical, cognitive, and emotional health of our older adult patients. At Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   we run a special program for elderly patients called Elderly First & Elderly First 

  • Allergy & Asthma Clinic: Our Allergy & Asthma Clinic at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot,   provides specialized care for patients with allergies and asthma. We offer comprehensive diagnostic testing, including skin prick testing and pulmonary function testing, to accurately diagnose and treat these conditions. Our team of allergy and asthma specialists work closely with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans that address their unique needs and goals.  
  • Health Check-up Department: Our Health Check-up Department at Sterling  Hospitals Rajkot ,   offers a range of health screening services to help patients maintain optimal health and prevent future health problems. We offer a variety of health packages that include comprehensive medical evaluations, diagnostic testing, and lifestyle counselling. Our aim is to empower our patients to take an active role in their own health and well-being through regular health screenings and preventive care.  

Our Experts

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