Blood Bank / Transfusion Medicine

at Sterling Hospitals


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Speciality  Overview

Welcome to the Blood Bank of Sterling Hospitals. Our blood bank is committed to providing safe and high-quality blood products to patients in need.  

  • What is Blood banking?  

Blood banking is the process of collecting, testing, and storing blood and blood products for transfusion. The goal of blood banking is to ensure a sufficient supply of safe blood products for patients who require transfusions due to medical conditions or trauma.  

  • Who can be a blood donor?  

In India, individuals between the ages of 18-65 years who meet certain health and lifestyle criteria can be blood donors. Eligible donors must have a minimum hemoglobin level and cannot have certain medical conditions or be taking certain medications. Donors must also weigh at least 50 kilograms and have not donated blood in the past three months.  

  • Which are the common blood group types?  

The most common blood group types in India are O, A, B, and AB. Blood types are classified based on the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type O is considered a universal donor, while blood type AB is considered a universal recipient.  

  • What are the components of Blood?  

Blood is composed of several components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Each component serves a unique function in the body, and blood banks can separate blood into individual components for transfusion.  

  • What Tests are done in a Blood bank?  

Blood banks perform several tests to ensure the safety and quality of blood products before transfusion. These tests include blood typing and screening for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis. Additionally, blood banks may perform tests to detect antibodies or other immune system reactions.  

  • How can I get blood in case of emergency?  

In case of an emergency, blood can be obtained from the blood bank at Sterling Hospitals, the blood is given to the patient through a replacement donor who may be a friend or relative of the patient. Patients will need to provide their blood type and may be required to undergo additional testing to ensure compatibility. It is important to note that while blood banks strive to maintain a sufficient supply of blood products, it is always helpful for individuals to donate blood regularly to ensure a stable blood supply.  

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